The Story

Hello all!

We are Hennie and Mia Tait and we have been planning this adventure for more than 2 years. After a long wait and a lot of red tape we're about to embark on our journey.

We are planning to do a 9000km round trip through Southern Africa on motorbikes. Yeeehaa!

Why Zahelo.....we chose it before we googled the correct spelling which should be Tsahaylu, but we've decided to keep our version, just because it's ours!
It was the word used in Avatar when they connected to the "horse" and the "bird" that they travel on. We're planning to "Zahelo" with our motorbikes, the people we meet, the roads we travel and places we see. Join us on our journey with this blog.

Monday 9 April 2012

Tshipise, Pretoria and Bloemfontein

We really enjoyed Tshipise and arrived early enough to make use of all their facilities. We did some very necessary washing and bathing….Zim made this a little difficult. We also got to enjoy the hot water pools and watched the pink Bulls lose to the Stormers, much to Hennie’s delight! He managed to introduce himself to the whole bar and although initially the fact the he was surrounded by Bulls was a little daunting we soon had a whole group of new friends. I’m surprised we managed to get any of the blog typed at all.

Our new friends in Tshipise
Enjoying the hot water pools
We planned to cover half the distance to Pretoria the next day but when we arrived in Mollemole (Nylstroom) we realised how close Pretoria was and drove all the way to my brother Gerrit’s commune where we stayed for 2 days….thanx Gerch!

Thanx Gerch
We were eager to get to the Canadian High Commission to hand in our Passports for our visa’s and did so early Monday morning. They were great and had them ready the next day. While in Pretoria we got to catch up with some friends and family which was wonderful. Thank you to everyone! We even got to see Henry again before he returned to London.
Hennie's Aunt, Tannie Bokkie invited us to stay and spoilt us with a wonderful meal. Thank you Tannie, always nice seeing you!

Tannie Bokkie
 We also got to spend some time with our special friends, Riana and Vernon and their beautiful daughters.
Vernon,Riana,Megan and Isabelle
The road to Bloemfontein was long and busy but uneventful and we had an amazing Easter weekend with Hennie’s sister Hannien and her family.

Breakfast in Bloemfontein

Hennie and Hannien
We joined them for a visit to their friend’s farm where they breed with Lions, Tigers, Painted Dogs and many other interesting animals. We got to play with Lion cubs and went on Game Drives where we saw black & white springbok, yellow and white bless buck and many other rare species of antelopes. Hennie got given the opportunity to hunt for the first time, and shot an Impala. I was shown how to fire a shotgun and shot my first bird. I’m still not sure if the gun/hunting thing is for me, but must admit that there is an element of adrenalin that is hard to describe to it all. Thank you to Sanelle, Pieta and their children Himke, Ane and Hanko for your hospitality and all the fun we had. Please check out their lodge at

Hennie and Ru-hann after the hunt

A competition to see who can spit a buck dropping the furthest.....yuk!

Hannien with Willow, the lion cub

Willow not happy with the paparazzi

Luke and Willow

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