The Story

Hello all!

We are Hennie and Mia Tait and we have been planning this adventure for more than 2 years. After a long wait and a lot of red tape we're about to embark on our journey.

We are planning to do a 9000km round trip through Southern Africa on motorbikes. Yeeehaa!

Why Zahelo.....we chose it before we googled the correct spelling which should be Tsahaylu, but we've decided to keep our version, just because it's ours!
It was the word used in Avatar when they connected to the "horse" and the "bird" that they travel on. We're planning to "Zahelo" with our motorbikes, the people we meet, the roads we travel and places we see. Join us on our journey with this blog.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

In Conclusion....


So yes, our trip has officially ended…12500km and 64days later….or has it? Maybe we’ll have the opportunity to return some day and pick up where we left off. There were talks of riding all the way to Canada but we’d need serious sponsors, and with the recession and all….I think it’s time we do a little work again.

We’d like to share what we have learnt or what we take away from this trip. This gets a little deep but please bear with us; we’ll make it worthwhile.

  1. It gave us a new perspective on life. We spent a lot of time seeing how and where other people live and make a living. This helped us to form an idea of how big this world of us really is and how small we are. It helped to place all our problems in perspective. Although often your situation feels overwhelming and enormous in the bigger scheme of things it’s really not that important or scary. So hopefully in the future we will remember to take a step backwards and look at the big picture before we give in to the panic of everyday life.

  1. Our respect and love for each other has grown deeper and stronger, and we consider this a wonderful gift. There were a few times where both of us strongly considered murder but luckily never  

  1. Many times on the trip we asked ourselves….why motorbikes? They often limit you, they are hard work, and you can’t pack much and always have helmet hair.

 The answer lies in all the positives.

They force you to focus on the road all the time and so draw your thoughts to the present. There is no space for thoughts of the past or worries about the future, all you focus on is the here and now.

You smell and feel everything around you (cold, heat, wind, and rain). All your senses all stimulated all the time.

The motorbikes also seem to draw people to you and help to keep you open to meeting new people. So that is why the motorbikes…

  1. And lastly we learnt that truly, the anticipation of the fear is worse than the fear itself….we learnt to trust,  have more Faith and let go a little of our self preservation. (except maybe Sani pass…..for me (Mia)

We are grateful to have had this amazing opportunity to do this trip and believe that this break will allow us to go back to work with even more passion and enthusiasm than before.

Thank you to everyone who shared in our adventure, whether it was on the road with us or from home by reading our blog. Zahelo to you all! 

Special Thank you’s

          1. Henri
      You inspired both the trip and the blog.
          2. Oom Ben & Tannie Ria Scheepers
              Without you we would not have seen Sossusvlei.

    3. Suane & Nico
             We loved our trip to Etosha! And all the Badenhorst trip planner advice!

    4. Oom Koos& Tannie Willemien Croucamp and Oom Micheal&Tannie Marieta Holland-Muter
              We so enjoyed your company and were really grateful for it on the crazy road to Ruacana.

    5. Braam
               What would we have done without you?

          6. Gerhard en Kerstin   (
              Your hospitality and friendliness was greatly appreciated. Good luck with Pangolin!
    7. Uncle Oliver and family
               Our time together was short but very significant. Thank you.

    All our family and friends in South Africa - we love you!!

    Trip summary

    Favorites Places Times and Roads 

    ·         Tirasberg – Koiimasses campsite

    ·         Etosha National Park

    ·         Dune 7 Adventures

    ·         Epupa Falls

    ·         Swartboois Drif to Ruakana road

    ·         Ngepi Lodge

    ·         Pangolin Photo Safaris

    ·         Nyanga town

    ·         World view of Zimbabwe

    ·         Chimanimani town

    ·         Tsipese

    ·         Stone Safaris Lion Cubs

    ·         Katse Dam

    ·         Sani Top

    ·         Morgan’s Bay

    Things we could have left at home:

    • Some Clothes – we packed too much.
    • Auto Comms – next time we’ll take Blue tooth comms, it would have avoided many of our frustrations.
    • Riding Pants – XKULCHA make – Mia’s were in shreds’ by Coffee Bay and mine made it, but just barely. Bad Quality!

    Things we can recommend

    • Our Thor Ballistics – Jackets would have been far too hot. These were cool, comfy and still provided good protection.
    • Heidenau tyres – they still look good after 12500km! Never lost their footing.
    • The BMW 650 Dakar – It lived up to its legendary reputation.
    • Write a blog – it added to the fun

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