The Story

Hello all!

We are Hennie and Mia Tait and we have been planning this adventure for more than 2 years. After a long wait and a lot of red tape we're about to embark on our journey.

We are planning to do a 9000km round trip through Southern Africa on motorbikes. Yeeehaa!

Why Zahelo.....we chose it before we googled the correct spelling which should be Tsahaylu, but we've decided to keep our version, just because it's ours!
It was the word used in Avatar when they connected to the "horse" and the "bird" that they travel on. We're planning to "Zahelo" with our motorbikes, the people we meet, the roads we travel and places we see. Join us on our journey with this blog.

Friday 24 February 2012

Springbok - Aus

Hello Everyone

We're back. Been off-line for a while and had some problems finding internet that works.  But the story continues....We left Springbok early Sunday morning and decided to change our route to a more adventurous one, so we headed for Sendelingsdrift via Lekkersing & Kuboes.

Good Morning Springbok

The road was beautiful but once we hit gravel things got tough. First my chain guard broke off so Hennie had to apply some of his mechanical skills. In Lekkersing even his bike had it's turn to meet the road..he forgot to kick out his side!! Here the locals told us of a sandy patch on the road ahead where cars get stuck, which could pose some problems. I found it the  hard way.

The last bit of tar road

Hennie to the rescue

The people of Lekkersing

Bike meets gravel...where is my side stand?

I found the sandy patch

The rest of the way was tricky but without problems. The scenery was breath taking and ever changing, an artist's tapestry.It made me think that God really loves diversity, from the lush greenery of the garden route to this beautiful barrenness in the desert.

Road through Richtersveld

We arrived in Sendelingsdrift quite late so decided to stay in a self-catering unit. It was Sunday which meant no cold beer, which is all we wanted after the day we had. Lucky for us we met 2 couples from Durban who very generously shared their stash with us....thank you so much to Ian, Cheryl, Don and Lola. We promise to pay it forward.

Hennie, Ian, Mia, Cheryl, Lola and Don
Monday morning we had an exiting border crossing on the ferry across the Orange River. We were so excited to be in Namibia at last we took a wrong turn and headed for Rosh Pinah instead of Ai-ais. We quickly rectified our mistake and found the stunning road all along the river. We had enough time because the Namibian roads were so good that we stopped for a swim.

Ferry crossing - Sendelingsdrift

In Ai-Ais we met Ibrahim Matta who we enjoyed talking to and shared a beer with. Ai-ais is a stunning resort with a lovely camping site, just unfortunate that the beautiful pools are all hot as it got lose to 40 degrees while we were there.

Having a beer with Ibrahim at Ai-Ais

Beautiful pool but sooo hot!

The following morning we left for the Fish River Canyon.Here we stayed at The Canyon Road House close to the Fish River Canyon which had a cold pool.....Yeaha!! We liked the pool so much we stayed for 2 nights and got great views of the canyon. We did some laundry and had a good rest.We met Ibrahim again here....thanks for the chats...Zahelo!

Cool Pool!

Ibrahim with us as the sun set over the Canyon

We were very impressed with the Roadhouse campsite and spent some time talking to Simon, the manager, who is also originally from PE. Thank you for your hospitality Simon, and the Pavlova  really was the best we've ever tasted.

Simon at the Canyon Road House

So from here we are off to Aus to see some wild horses and then to the coastal town of Luderitz....

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